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Venezuela - Engelsk-svensk ordbok - WordReference.com

La Casona , de residentie van de president van Venezuela. President Ambtstermijn Venezuela’s opposition leader has declared himself the legitimate president with backing from Washington, Ottawa and other countries. But Nicolas Maduro isn’t ceding power without a fight. Presiden Venezuela (bahasa Spanyol: Presidente de Venezuela) adalah sebutan politis untuk kepala negara dan kepala pemerintahan Venezuela.Masa jabatan presiden yang berlaku sekarang adalah enam tahun dengan kemungkinan untuk satu kali lagi langsung dipilih kembali, dan dengan jaminan konstitusional untuk menyelenggarakan referendum setiap saat pada masa tiga tahun terakhir dari masa jabatan America was founded by men who believed in freedom and change. Founding fathers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were some of the United States' earliest leaders. Find out how these men helped shaped the country to what it is tod Sometimes, United States presidents are just as famous for their financial success as they are for their political endeavors.

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Han anklagade oppositionen för att ha planerat kuppförsök. Men allt färre accepterar att konspirationer och sabotage skulle vara hela sanningen bakom landets allvarliga ekonomiska situation. 2020-08-13 · It was a case of mistaken identity for the restaurant owner in Verona who has now been taken off blacklist. Venezuela's president will not be able to post for 30 days for disinformation over a Los Estados Unidos de Venezuela fue el nombre oficial de Venezuela adoptado por la constitución de 1864, durante el gobierno de Juan Crisóstomo Falcón. Este nombre se mantuvo en las distintas constituciones que sucedieron a la de 1864 hasta el año 1953. Venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro inleder i dag en internationell resa till Kina och flera OPEC-länder för att försöka dämpa konsekvenserna av det låga oljepriset.

12 Apr 2021 Venezuela detains Sinaloa cartel members in clash near Colombia Der Staatspräsident Venezuelas ist das Staatsoberhaupt Venezuelas und der Vorsitzende der venezolanischen Regierung. Er wird auf 6 Jahre gewählt und kann nach einem Referendum über die venezolanischen Verfassung im Jahr 2009 unbeschränkt oft kandidieren.

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Presidente de Venezuela) on Venezuelan valtion ja hallituksen päämies sekä kansallisten asevoimien neljän osaston ylipäällikkö. Presidentti nimittää varapresidentin ja ministerit. Yksi virkakausi kestää kuusi vuotta.

Ann Linde on Twitter: "Good conversation with Juán Guaidó

för att böja sig för USA:s president Donald Trump och kopiera hans politik gentemot Venezuela. Tommy talks with Anthony Faiola, the Washington Post bureau chief for South America and the Caribbean, about the dire situation in Venezuela. Then Ben  24 jan. 2019 — USA:s president Donald Trump har erkänt oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó som Venezuelas president efter gårdagens demonstration mot  2 feb. 2019 — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro holds up his fists during a press conference at Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela,  8 feb.

Turkiets president Recep Tayyip Erdogan i vid en sjukhusinvigning i Istanbul Och efter ett  för 7 timmar sedan — USA utvisar diplomater, svartlistar nya ryska obligationer och utvidgar en sanktionslista sedan Moskva försökt påverka det amerikanska valet. för 5 dagar sedan — USA:s förre president Donald Trump planerar att fortsätta med politiken. Foto: Evan På bilden syns en tuppfäktningsarena på Venezuela. Stundens Hetta 2-06: Dement President.
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Venezuela president

Malmö Venezuela: Flera soldater dödade01:29. Sverige · En till sjukhus efter  för 1 dag sedan — By order of the President. av W.E.B.

He styled himself as the leader of the “ Bolivarian Revolution ,” a socialist political program whose key elements included nationalism , a centralized economy , and a strong military actively engaged in public projects; it became known to many as simply chavismo .
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USA:s president Joe Biden uppmanade i går Vladimir Putin att dra tillbaka de ryska trupperna som samlats kring Ukraina, och föreslog ett toppmöte mellan de två  Talibanerna lovar att Natos förlängda ockupation av landet ska bli en ”mardröm”. President Bidens beslut att uppskjuta tillbakadragandet till den 11 september är  Under the Venezuelan Constitution, the President of Venezuela is the head of state and head of government of Venezuela.As chief of the executive branch and face of the government as a whole, the presidency is the highest political office in the country by influence and recognition.

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Nicolás Maduro Maduro in 2019 46th President of Venezuela Incumbent (contested) Assumed office 5 March 2013 Acting until 19 April 2013 Disputed with Juan Guaidó since 23 January 2019 Vice President Jorge Arreaza (2013–2016) Aristóbulo Istúriz (2016–2017) Tareck El Aissami (2017–2018) Delcy Rodríguez (2018–present) Preceded by Hugo Chávez Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Juan Gerardo Guaidó Márquez (born 28 July 1983) is a Venezuelan politician, a former member of the social-democratic Popular Will party, federal deputy to the National Assembly representing the state of Vargas.On 23 January 2019, Guaidó and the National Assembly declared he was acting President of Venezuela (Spanish: Presidente encargado de Venezuela), starting the Venezuelan presidential Juan Guaidó, the newly appointed president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, began motions to form a provisional government shortly after assuming his new role on 5 January 2019, stating that whether or not Maduro began his new term on the 10th, the country would not have a legitimately elected president in either case.