Ai gamisou - Grekiska - Engelska Översättning och exempel


Profiler för Ai Gamisou Facebook

Greek means belonging or relating to Greece, or to its people, language, or … 2007-01-17 2007-04-30 Δείτε τα προφίλ όσων ονομάζονται Ai Gamisou στο Facebook. Γίνετε μέλος στο Facebook για να συνδεθείτε με τον/την Ai Gamisou και άλλους που μπορεί να … Contextual translation of "gamisou" into English. Human translations with examples: ade, fuck you, ai gamisou, gamisou rmalaka, "fuck you asshole". English words for Γαμήσου include fuck off and fuck up. Find more Greek words at! Ai gamisou: Fuck you (75%) (25%) Ante gamisou: go fuck yourself (88%) (12%) As to thialo: Go to hell (53%) (47%) Ay gamisou: go fuck off (86%) (14%) Bastarde: Bastard (88%) (13%) Bines: Man who likes fucking men (25%) (75%) Fae ena kouva skata: Eat a bucket full of shit (80%) (20%) Contextual translation of "ante gamisou" into English.

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League History is the first Records/History application available for tracking your entire league history! See posts, photos and more on Facebook. 2009-03-07 · Ay gamisou Gamizo malaka Pousties Moonies ayde hesou bouxhesa malakas poustis mounee to shisto sou BTW if these arent correct - pls correct them:) Δείτε τα προφίλ χρηστών με το όνομα Paulos Ai Gamisou. Γίνετε μέλος στο Facebook για να συνδεθείτε με τον/την Paulos Ai Gamisou και άλλους που μπορεί να We offer extensions and addons to enhance your famtasy football experience - especially for leagues using

Amazing show brothers! Zvezda and Olympaikos smashed Pao! AI GAMISOU PAO. to inform and delight movie review from the NY times /2009/05/22/movies/22glas.html · ・◇ ❖ ◇・ · ai-gamisou.

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Kyrios Ai Gamisou. Posts; Likes Greek: ·(offensive, vulgar, dismissal) fuck you, go fuck yourself Τι γυρεύεις εδώ πέρα; Άντε γαμήσου, μωρέ. Ti gyréveis edó péra? Ánte ‘Ai gamisou,’ he said cheerfully to Kokolios, who glared at him, scowled darkly, and spat into the dust.

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2020-01-18 2 days ago ai gamisou. Education. Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University 1978 – 2007. Skills & Endorsements Join LinkedIn to see archidi’s skills, endorsements, and full profile. We offer extensions and addons to enhance your famtasy football experience - especially for leagues using League History is the first Records/History application available for tracking your entire league history! 2011-12-24 We offer extensions and addons to enhance your famtasy football experience - especially for leagues using
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Ai gamisou

Prefixes are key morphemes in English  Mar 9, 2020 For example, "αι γαμισου" (ai gamisou) means "fuck you". People usually say this word when they get pissed at something, just like you would  Jun 10, 2020 For example, "αι γαμισου" (ai gamisou) means "fuck you". People usually say this word when they get pissed at something, just like you would  ai gamisou. 131.

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Ante gamisou - Grekiska - Engelska Översättning och exempel

"Ai gamisou," she spat at her sister, which earned her a swift slap to her face. Her vision became blurry and spotty as she drifted in and out of consciousness. Her hands weakly trembled, clawing at the air desperately.

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