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Omslagsbild. Av: Turhan, Sedat. Av: Hagin, Sally. Utgivningsår: 2003. Språk: Kurdiska, Engelska.

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Kurdish To English  13 Oct 2017 what song you like..Alan Walker-Alone (english/Kurdish Translation):https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGeOf0AE4o8prince royce la English Kurdish Dictionary, This is an absolutely freeware and fully offline English to Kurdish Dictionary. English Kurdish Dictionary in the smallest app size with  Free translator helps you to translate anything in Kurdish to English or English to Kurdish . • Its completely free, faster and very easy solution for translations. English to Kurdish Translator Online and Offline Dictionary. # Easily Search Word and Find Offline. # You can search both English and Kurdish words. You can  Kurdish Dictionary and Translator is an excellent app to translate text or word Dictionary.

API call Kurdish. مشت و مڕ، دەمەقاڵێ، مشتومڕ، شەڕخوازی، ڕق گرتن، شەڕەقسە. Last Update: 2019-06-04 Contextual translation of "vad är kerm ba qozi" from Swedish into Kurdish.

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The Kurdish texts are written both in Latin and Aramaic alphabets and  Many translated example sentences containing "Kurdistan" – English-Swedish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Kurdish translation into English. Rösta nu!Obesvarad. Hi Can someone please translate what this means in Kurdish to English please: Pal kawtwm.

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Show us you know what these phrases and some of the most basic French words and sayings mean in this fun, but challenging language quiz. EDUCATION By: Kennita Leon 6 Min Quiz French is not an easy langua You can try your best but you won't succeed.

Human translations with Results for controversies translation from English to Kurdish. API call Kurdish. مشت و مڕ، دەمەقاڵێ، مشتومڕ، شەڕخوازی، ڕق گرتن، شەڕەقسە. Last Update: 2019-06-04 Contextual translation of "vad är kerm ba qozi" from Swedish into Kurdish. Examples translated by humans: pirs Çi ye?

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If you need to translate Urdu text to English, you can fi If you've ever come across a website written in another language, your browsing either stops short or you bounce right off to find a different website. Instead, you could translate a web page from Spanish to English so you can read it easil Translating words from one language to another isn't simply a matter of looking them up in the dictionary.

Av: Hagin, Sally. Utgivningsår: 2003. Språk: Kurdiska, Engelska.
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‎وەرگێران لە نێوان كوردی، عربی و ئینگلیزی. وەرگێڕانی یاسایی، Pris: 189 kr. Häftad, 2009. Skickas inom 3-6 vardagar.

Obehaglig på engelska

KURDISH OFFICIAL - Translation in Swedish - bab.la

Translating English to Kurdish can be difficult because of significant differences between these two languages, especially in phonology and grammar. Translation Kurdish English. With our team of experienced, bilingual Kurdish translators, Babelmaster Translations provides Kurdish to English translations and  English to Kurdish Translator is a FREE application to help you translate from English into Kurdish or from Kurdish into English.