Artiklar & databaser - Idrottsvetenskap - Sökguider at Malmö


Databases - Mittuniversitetet

467. Relevansgranskning 3: fulltext. Exkluderade. 410.

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Material och metod: PubMed, Cinahl, Sportdiscus och AMED var databaserna som. användes för litteratursökningen. Med, PsycInfo, Eric, SportDiscus och i Campbell Collaboration. Library. Dessutom granskades därefter i fulltextformat av samma två personer, fortfa-.


Databaser A-Ö - Arcadas LibGuider

Slutligen inkluderades 17 vetenskapliga  Läs hela (Online access for LTU) (SPORTDiscus with Full Text). Bestånd: 2004-08-01 - 2006-05-01 (SPORTDiscus with Full Text).

PDF International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health

Acceso: Proveedor; Acceso institucional-RedIris; Información: Materia: ciencias del deporte, ciencias de la salud Contenido: contiene cientos de publicaciones a texto completo.

Content Includes: Full text for more than 530 journals, Books, Book chapters, Conference proceedings Journal and magazine articles. Acceso: Provedor; Acceso institucional-RedIris ; Información: Materia: ciencias do deporte, ciencias da saúde Contido: contén centos de publicacións a texto completo. A súa temática versa sobre diversas áreas do deporte, medicina deportiva, leis e lexislación deportiva, traballo con persoas discapacitadas, deseño e administración de instalacións deportivas, educación na saúde SPORTDiscus with Full Text is a comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals, providing full text for more than 440 journals indexed in SPORTDiscus.
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Sportdiscus with full text

Leverantör: EBSCO. Alternativ titel: Sport Discus, SportDiscus with fulltext.

One of the EBSCO Host databases - linked from near the bottom of the EBSCO Host menu. Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this SPORTDiscus with Full text 3 EBSCO Publishing Japan しかし、括弧を使った検索例では、ヒットする記事、文献は “heart rate OR exercise” に関して、” endurance training OR treadmill”が検索されます。 SPORTDiscus with Full Text is a comprehensive source of literature in the sport, sports medicine, fitness and related disciplines, with more than 600 full text journals and full text coverage dating back to 1930. SPORTDiscus is een internationale database op het gebied van sport, gezondheid, lichamelijke opvoeding, fitness en sportgeneeskunde. De database biedt toegang tot meer dan 700.000 artikelen en verwijzingen, waarvan veel artikelen fulltext beschikbaar zijn.
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Databaser A-Ö - Ämnesguider Subject guides

References can be downloaded into EndNote; Alerts are available. SPORTDiscus With Full Text provides full text   17 Mar 2021 Institutional login · SPORTDiscus with Full Text. more less Alternative login via Shibboleth · APA PsycINFO. more less Shibboleth login.

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Exkluderade. 467. Relevansgranskning 3: fulltext. Exkluderade. 410.