FAQ - JF Uppsala
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Please contact mecenat.se or studentkortet.se if you have questions about how to get your student ID card. The campus card is a multi-function card including a photo of the cardholder. If you work at the university, you should have a campus card. If you have questions, see below.
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First, you must agree to the Uppsala University rules for campus cards in order to receive your card. By uploading a photo you accept that Uppsala University may use the photo, but only for your personal campus card. Via the service portal you can upload a photo to your campus card, choose the PIN code and block a lost campus card. Kontaktuppgifter till respektive person i kåren hittar du under Kansli eller sektioner. Är du osäker på vem du ska kontakta kan du använda dig av det här formuläret Mecenat aktivera ditt kort Discounts on a selection of products. Kom igång med Mecenat.
Membership of either a student union or a nation is also printed on this card. To travel with SL/UL you need to have your Studentkortet card (or the Mecenat card) with SL logo (physical or digital). If you do not have either of these, do not buy a student ticket – you can be fined.
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Application deadline: 2024-05-31 You can find a list of all the discounts offered to you at mecenat.com When I first arrived in Uppsala I got given the free sim card in the Inte ha några betalningsanmärkningar; En årsinkomst på lägst 70 000 inklusive studiemedel; Giltig ID-handling och Student- eller Mecenatkort. Hitta butik Mecenat tillhandahåller sina Tjänster genom olika webbaserade lösningar Mecenat.com/Mecenat, Lagrar slumpmässiga app-card url för Vid Uppsala universitet används Studentkortet (STUK) som medlemskort för än Studentkortet, digitalt eller fysiskt, alternativt Mecenatkortet, tillsammans med Jag arbetar som partneransvarig på Mecenat där vi erbjuder studentrabatter till över en miljon studenter i Fahlström: bibliotekarie på Uppsala University. Logga in på www.mecenat.com/se och ta del av Lindex erbjudande. Gäller online och i butik.
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Mer information här. Saknar du permanent personnummer, ange tillfälligt personnummer du fått av lärosätet eller samordningsnummer du fått av Skatteverket. Saknar du även det så skriv födelsedatum + fyra nollor. Övriga utbildningar Genom Mecenats samarbete med Juridiska föreningen får du tillgång till Mecenats samtliga studentrabatter. Du hittar dem här: www.mecenat.com To travel with SJ:s student discount you need a Mecenat card with SJ:s logotype.
2. Otherwise, contact us
It is easy to get to Stockholm from Uppsala via both the SL commuter train and the SJ intercity train, and both are fast and reasonably affordable (with the student discount from your Mecenat card). In Stockholm you have access to countless museums, performances, shops, restaurants and experiences. The Mecenat card is a student card which offers many student discounts, including for the public transportation and train companies throughout Sweden. This includes SL, UL, Skånetrafiken, SJ and more.
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If you work at the university, you should have a campus card. If you have questions, see below.
If you do not have either of these, do not buy a student ticket – you can be fined. No other student certificate will do. Contact: Uppsala Student Union will happily answer your questions.
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First download a Registration Certificate that shows your course registrations for the current semester. Then see how to apply for a Mecenat card here. UL - Public transport discount in the Uppsala region To travel with a UL Student Ticket, you need to be able to present a valid Mecenat card with SL logo together with … Med Mecenat får du studentrabatt hos tusentals företag. Mecenatkortet ger studenter i Sverige unika erbjudanden, kampanjer, tävlingar och förmåner.
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Please contact mecenat.se or studentkortet.se if you have questions about how to get your student ID card. Le Croissant Gallerian, Stockholm. 616 likes · 1 talking about this · 697 were here. The french coffee house A love story Öppetider: Mån-fredag 7:30-20:00 Lördag 10:00-18.00 Söndag 11:00-18:00 Please fill in your personal number of your JU card and click search.