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These anthologies contain three translated short stories by Laxness: Lily (Lilja, 1932), and New Iceland (Nýa Ísland, 1927), translated by Axel Eyberg and John Watkins, and The Defeat of the Italian Air Force in Reykjavík 1933, translated by Hallberg Hallmundsson. Icelandic Poems and Stories (includes Lily) Halldór Laxness was born Halldór Gudjónsson in Reykjavik in 1902. When he was three, the family moved to the farm of Laxnes, near Reykjavik, from which he would take his pen-name. He wrote extensively while a child, though his father tried hard to nurture his musical talents.

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22 Dec 2013 Halldór Laxness Translated from the Icelandic by Magnus Magnusson existence is transformed into poetry, beauty, and ultimate redemption. 5 Apr 2005 Under the Glacier, by Halldor Laxness. Translated by Magnus Magusson. Vintage paperback, 256 pages, $15. By Vincent Czyz.

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Laxness' gravstein ved Mosfellskirkja. Halldór Kiljan Laxness (født Halldór Guðjónsson) (født 23. april 1902, død 8. februar 1998) var en islandsk forfatter.

Ingegerd Fries 1921–2016. Minnesord. Scripta - DiVA

— Halldór Laxness. Sjálfstætt fólk (Independent People) (1935), Book One, Part II: Free of Debt Kontext: His mother taught him to sing. And when he had grown up and had listened to the world's song, he felt that there could be no greater happiness than to return to her song. Halldor Laxness was born near Reykjavík, Iceland, in 1902. His first novel was published when he was 17.

ried, and he and  3: Poetry by Gyrðir Elíasson. One of Iceland's most This is largely because of the quality of poetry in Iceland. 1: Independent People, by Halldór Laxness. Halldór Kiljan Laxness was a twentieth-century Icelandic writer. Laxness wrote poetry, newspaper articles, plays, travelogues, short stories, and novels.
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Halldor laxness poems

I watched the froth go down and the yellow liquid rise to meet it. I twisted the glass around and it tipped over and spilled on his arthritic knee. I looked to the side and didn’t apologize. In his memoir, When I Was Young, poet Halldór Laxness expresses strong feelings."Even clear water in a clear pitcher revolts him," Gerður Kristný explains.

Laxness' gravstein ved Mosfellskirkja. Halldór Kiljan Laxness (født Halldór Guðjónsson) (født 23.
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In 1905 his family started farming at Laxnes in Mosfellssveit, and Halldór taught himself that town later. Laxness is not easy on Bjartur, who is bloody-minded in the extreme, but he is tender enough to compose a poem to his exiled adoptive daughter, and bold enough to engrave a simple marker in honor of the misunderstood ghoul who has haunted his farm and family. He's a figure that Snorri Sturluson would have recognized.

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